State Machines for the Rest of Us

Let’s say we have a button that should have 4 distinct appearances (states):

  • idle
  • loading
  • success
  • error

While the button is idle, it can be clicked and switches to loading state. Once the loading is done, it switches to success or error state and remains there until clicked again.

We dismiss the option of using flags because it can easily cause confusion. While ready-made abstractions like xstate or machina.js are available, they are a bit too verbose for the use-case. A simple description of states and the methods available for each state would suffice. For example:

const buttonController = stateController('idle', {
	idle: {
		click: async () => {
			buttonController.state = 'loading';
			try {
				// ... do something
				buttonController.state = 'success';
			catch {
				buttonController.state = 'error';
	loading: {},
	success: {
		click: () => { buttonController.state = 'idle'; },
	error: {
		click: () => { buttonController.state = 'idle'; },
});; // switches to loading, then success or error
  • State: idle
  • Clicks: 0

The implementation is fairly straightforward. The only tricky part is getting the types right.


State methods are provided as an argument, but then are usable as properties of the controller instance. This requires us to be able to get a type for all the methods combined.

type StateMethods = Record<string, Record<string, AnyFn>>;
type State<SM extends StateMethods> = keyof SM;

// SM[keyof SM] would give a union type { ... } | { ... }
// but we need an intersection { ... } && { ... }
// to get all the methods combined
// luckily there is a way to do this:
type UnionToIntersection<U> =
	(U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends
	(k: infer I extends U) => void ? I : never;

// this way we get
type Methods<SM extends StateMethods> = UnionToIntersection<SM[keyof SM]>;

// eventually we'd need controller to have its own type intersected with Methods<StateMethods>
type Controller<SM extends StateMethods> = {
	state: State<SM>;

Extending Controller with Methods

This is the actual core functionality of the state controller. It takes the controller instance and the state methods, and returns a new controller instance with the methods attached.

export function attachMethods<
	SM extends StateMethods,
	SC extends IStateController<SM>,
	controller: SC,
	stateMethods: SM,
) {
	const methods = {} as Record<string, UnknownFn>;

	for (const stateKey of Object.keys(stateMethods)) {
		for (const methodKey of Object.keys(stateMethods[stateKey]!)) {
			if (methodKey in methods) continue; // skip if already exists

			methods[methodKey] = (...args) => {
				const availableMethods = stateMethods[controller.state!];

				return availableMethods?.[methodKey]?.(...args);

	return merge(
		{ stateMethods },
		methods as Methods<SM>,

I guess Typescript had the most impact on implementation details of this one:

  • We first create an empty object for the methods, so that methods[methodKey] wouldn’t complain about type mismatch.
  • Then we use merge function, which is just a type-safe version of Object.assign.
  • Instead of defining stateMethods as a property of the Controller type, we provide it as an argument, this helps to properly infer generic types and avoid unexpected type errors. Otherwise we’d need to explicitly set the types as in attachMethods<SM, Controller<SM>>(stateController).
  • We also merge stateMethods into the controller, so that it would be available as a property of the instance, making it possible to reuse the methods.

Now we can experiment with the controller itself.

State Controller as an Object

The state controller can be constructed manually from a regular object. As simple as it gets, using Svelte runes to store the state:

function stateController<SM extends StateMethods>(
	defaultState: State<SM>,
	stateMethods: SM,
) {
	let state = $state<State<SM>>(defaultState);

	const stateController = {
		get state() {
			return state;
		set state(value: State<SM>) {
			state = value;

	return attachMethods(stateController, stateMethods);

State Controller as a Class

class StateController<SM extends StateMethods> {
	state = $state<State<SM>>();

	protected constructor(defaultState: State<SM>) {
		this.state = defaultState;

	static create<SM extends StateMethods>(
		defaultState: State<SM>,
		stateMethods: SM,
	) {
		return attachMethods(
			new this(defaultState),

function stateController<SM extends StateMethods>(
	defaultState: State<SM>,
	stateMethods: SM,
) {
	return StateController.create(defaultState, stateMethods);

Since we can’t properly extend the type in constructor. We have to make the constructor protected and use a static factory method to get instances of the correct type.

Let’s also try to implement custom ButtonController class with baked-in state methods:

class ButtonController {
	state = $state<keyof this['stateMethods']>('idle');
	stateMethods = {
		idle: {
				click: async () => {
					this.state = 'loading';
					try {
						// ... do something
						this.state = 'success';
					catch {
						this.state = 'error';
			loading: {},
			success: {
				click: () => { this.state = 'idle'; },
			error: {
				click: () => { this.state = 'idle'; },

	protected constructor() {}

	static create() {
		const instance = new this();
		return attachMethods(instance, instance.stateMethods);

const buttonController = ButtonController.create();


The price of autocompletion is high 😅. While Typescript can sometimes lead you to seeking non-obvious solutions, the payoff is often worth it.

State controller approach can be particularly useful for UI components, that have multiple states and associated interactions. Defining these in a structured manner makes the code more maintainable and easier to reason about.

gif: self-five